Some of Michael’s arrangements are available from:
Oxford University Press
Robertson Publications - Goodmusic Publishing
Banks Music Publications - Eboracum Choral Series
Alliance Music Publications USA
All unpublished arrangements are available direct from Michael Neaum
Phone 01623 631658 or 07790 552102
Michael Neaum
Michael Neaum obtained a first-class Honours degree in Music at Birmingham University, where he won both the undergraduate and graduate Barber Scholarships.
He is greatly experienced as an accompanist in both piano and harpsichord, having worked with both nationally and internationally renowned singers and given Master Classes in accompaniment.
Between 1972 and 2007 he was the regular accompanist for Cantamus, having appeared with the choir on television and broadcast with it on many occasions.
Michael’s arrangements are eminently singable. Although not a trained singer, through his work with Cantamus he understands what lies comfortable and gratefully in the various voices. In addition, by the use of various textures, he gives each part in a choir its share of melodic material and interest.
His searching for colour and flavour within a conventional harmonic idiom - with the addition of some unexpected nuances - makes his arrangements greatly appealing to audiences.